Efektivitas Kandungan Bahan Aktif Agen Anti Plak Gigi Komersial Terhadap Penurunan Plak Gigi

Nur Ariska Nugrahani


Yellowish plaque on the teeth can cause tartar and caries until causing swollen gums. Objective: To compare the antibacterial effect on plaque reduction of toothpaste containing zinc-citrate, fluoride, sodium monofluorophosphate. Methods: This study uses a pretest-post-test control group design with 20 participants aged 16-23 years through a zoom meeting, the calculation of the Oleary Index which is categorized as good (score 0-20%), moderate (score 21-40%), poor (score 41-60%) and very bad (score > 60%). Results: In group A, using 1.12% sodium monofluorophosphate and 2% calcium carbonate showed that most of the study participants showed a decrease in plaque in the second week. Group B using 5% Pyrophosphate and 0.3% sodium fluoride experienced a decrease in plaque index in the second week, the calculation of the O'Leary plaque index, especially in study participants B5 who experienced a significant decrease in plaque index. In group C, using 5% pyrophosphate, 0.2% sodium fluoride and 0.2% zinc citrate. experienced a decrease in plaque index in the second week, but with a less significant difference in the percentage of plaque index. Conclusion: The index decreased significantly in group B toothpaste containing plaque agents in the form of pyrophosphate and 0.3% sodium fluoride.


Clinical Sciences

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