Citra Manela✉
Peningkatan resiko penularan infeksi di ruang autopsi semakin meningkat. Hal ini terjadi karena peningkatan jumlah kasus korban meninggal yang terinfeksi penyakit terutama di negara berkembang. Beberapa studi menyatakan terjadinya peningkatan prevalensi HIV, hepatitis B, C, D dan G, tuberkulosis, penyakit Prion, Hantavirus, campak, infeksi bakteri atau HTCV pada pekerja di ruang autopsi. Penerapan kewaspadaan universal, termasuk standar OSHA, pemilihan disinfektan dan pengolahan limbah medis sangat penting diperhatikan untuk mencegah resiko terjadinya penularan infeksi. Tujuan penulisan tinjauan pustaka ini adalah mengetahui risiko penularan infeksi pada pekerja di ruang autopsi dan penerapan kewaspadaan universal. Penulisan ini berdasarkan studi kepustakaan yang terkait dengan dua topik ini. Penerapan kewaspadaan universal sangat diperlukan dalam pencegahan penularan penyakit infeksi pada pekerja di ruang autopsi yaitu meliputi penggunaan alat pelindung diri yang tepat, perilaku, tindakan mencegah infeksi, disinfeksi dan penanganan sampah medis yang sesuai aturan.
The risk of infection transmissions in autopsy room is increasing. This happens because the increase of the number of cases died affected by infectious disease, especially in developing countries. Several studies found an increase on the prevalence of HIV , Hepatitis B , C , D and G, Tuberculosis , Prion Disease , Hantavirus , Measles , Bacterial Infection or HTCV on workers in autopsy room .The application of universal precaution , including OSHA standards , the selection of disinfectant, medical waste management is very important to prevent the risk of the infection transmission. The aim of this review was to explain the risks of infection transmissions on workers in autopsy room and the application of universal precaution. Literatures on these two topics were evaluated. Application of universal precautions are very necessary in the prevention of transmission of infectious disease in workers in the autopsy room which includes the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, behaviors, actions to prevent infection, disinfection and treatment of medical waste according to the rules.
Peningkatan resiko penularan infeksi di ruang autopsi semakin meningkat. Hal ini terjadi karena peningkatan jumlah kasus korban meninggal yang terinfeksi penyakit terutama di negara berkembang. Beberapa studi menyatakan terjadinya peningkatan prevalensi HIV, hepatitis B, C, D dan G, tuberkulosis, penyakit Prion, Hantavirus, campak, infeksi bakteri atau HTCV pada pekerja di ruang autopsi. Penerapan kewaspadaan universal, termasuk standar OSHA, pemilihan disinfektan dan pengolahan limbah medis sangat penting diperhatikan untuk mencegah resiko terjadinya penularan infeksi. Tujuan penulisan tinjauan pustaka ini adalah mengetahui risiko penularan infeksi pada pekerja di ruang autopsi dan penerapan kewaspadaan universal. Penulisan ini berdasarkan studi kepustakaan yang terkait dengan dua topik ini. Penerapan kewaspadaan universal sangat diperlukan dalam pencegahan penularan penyakit infeksi pada pekerja di ruang autopsi yaitu meliputi penggunaan alat pelindung diri yang tepat, perilaku, tindakan mencegah infeksi, disinfeksi dan penanganan sampah medis yang sesuai aturan.
The risk of infection transmissions in autopsy room is increasing. This happens because the increase of the number of cases died affected by infectious disease, especially in developing countries. Several studies found an increase on the prevalence of HIV , Hepatitis B , C , D and G, Tuberculosis , Prion Disease , Hantavirus , Measles , Bacterial Infection or HTCV on workers in autopsy room .The application of universal precaution , including OSHA standards , the selection of disinfectant, medical waste management is very important to prevent the risk of the infection transmission. The aim of this review was to explain the risks of infection transmissions on workers in autopsy room and the application of universal precaution. Literatures on these two topics were evaluated. Application of universal precautions are very necessary in the prevention of transmission of infectious disease in workers in the autopsy room which includes the use of appropriate personal protective equipment, behaviors, actions to prevent infection, disinfection and treatment of medical waste according to the rules.
penularan infeksi; kewaspadaan universal; disinfeksi; transmission of infection; universal precaution; disinfection