Susila Sastri


Profil lemak darah ikut ditentukan oleh jenis dan proporsi asam lemak dalam minyak
sawit dan minyak kelapa yang dikonsumsi. Kandungan asam lemak tak jenuh (ALTJ) dan
asam lemak jenuh (ALJ) dalam minyak sawit hampir sama banyak, sedangkan minyak
kelapa kaya akan asam lemak jenuh rantai sedang (ALJRS) yang mudah dirubah menjadi
energi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh diet tinggi minyak sawit
dan minyak kelapa terhadap profil lemak darah tikus putih jantan galur Wistar. Penelitian
dilakukan melalui pemberian diet tinggi minyak sawit (DMS) dan diet tinggi minyak kelapa
(DMK) terhadap tikus jantan Wistar putih selama 8 minggu adlibitum. Profil lemak darah diukur
dengan spektrofotometer. Data diolah secara non-parametrik dengan p<0,05. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan DMS dan DMK meningkatkan profil lemak darah bermakna dibandingkan kontrol.
Kelompok DMK meningkatkan dengan bermakna kolesterol total (p=0,047), HDL-kolesterol
(p=0,009) dan rasio HDL-kolesterol/kolesterol total (p=0,009). Kelompok DMS meningkatkan
trigliserida (p=0,076) tetapi tidak bermakna, sedangkan fraksi non-HDL-kolesterol meningkat
bermakna (p=0,009). Diet tinggi minyak kelapa pada tikus meningkatkan kadar kolesterol
total dan HDL-kolesterol, sedangkan diet tinggi minyak sawit meningkatkan fraksi non-HDLkolesterol.

Blood lipid profiles were determined by the types and proportion of fatty acids contained by
coconut and palm oil which is consumed. The proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and
saturated fatty acids of palm oil is almost balanced, while coconut oil is rich with medium chain
saturated fatty acids (MCSFA), which is easily converted into energy. This study determined
the effect of consumption of palm oil and coconut oil on blood lipid profiles of male white Wistar
rats. This was an experimental study. High palm oil and coconut oil diet were given to male white
Wistar rats ad libitum for eight weeks. Blood lipid profiles were measured by spectrofotometer.
The data was analized using nonparametric tests with p<0,05. Results showed that high diet
of palm oil and coconut oil altered blood lipid profiles. High coconut oil diet increased the
total cholesterol (p=0,047), HDL-cholesterol (p=0,009), and HDL-cholesterol/total cholasterol
(p=0,009). High palm oil diet increased triglycerides (p=0,076) unsignificantly, whereas the
fraction of non-HDL-cholesterol increased significantly (p=0,009). The conclusion of this study
was that high diet of coconut oil in rats increased total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol, while
the high diet of palm oil increased non-HDL-cholesterol.


minyak sawit; minyak kelapa; profil lemak darah; palm oil; coconut oil; blood lipid profile

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