Acinetobacter baumannii merupakan spesies Acinetobacter spp. tersering diisolasi dari
manusia, dan lebih sering dijumpai pada infeksi nosokomial dibandingkan dengan infeksi di
komunitas. Eksistensi bakteri ini di lingkungan terkait dengan keragaman reservoir, kemampuan
memperoleh gen pembawa sifat resisten antimikroba, dan sifat resisten terhadap pengeringan.
Infeksi disebabkan strain A.baumannii yang resisten terhadap banyak antibiotik tidak mudah
dikendalikan dan menjadi permasalahan di berbagai negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui prevalensi A.baumannii dari spesimen klinis di instalasi mikrobiologi klinik RSUP
Haji Adam Malik serta pola kepekaannya terhadap berbagai antibiotik. Identifikasi dan uji
kepekaan menggunakan mesin otomatis Vitek 2 dengan Advanced Expert System (AES).
Penelitian ini menemukan 644/3693 (17,44%) isolat A.baumannii dari berbagai spesimen klinis.
A.baumannii paling banyak diisolasi dari spesimen dahak. Penelitian ini menemukan 147/644
(23%) bahwa isolat carbapenem-resistent A.baumannii (imipenem dan meropenem). Sebagian
besar isolat sensitif terhadap colistin, amikacin dan tigecycline. Prevalensi A.baumanni yang
ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah rendah namun resistensinya tinggi terhadap antibiotik
terutama golongan penicillin, cephalosporin dan fluoroquinolon.
Acinetobacter baumannii is the most frequent species of Acinetobacter spp. isolated from
humans and more common in nosocomial infection than it is in community acquired infection.
A.baumannii existence in environment is associated with the diversity of its reservoirs, its
capacity to accumulate genes of antimicrobial resistence, and its resistence to desiccation.
Infection of Multidrug resistent (MDR) strain of A.baumannii is not easy to manage and it has
become a problem in many countries. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate
the prevalence of A.baumannii from routine clinical specimens sent to clinical microbiology
laboratory RSUP HAM Medan and its susceptibility pattern to various antibiotics. Identification
and susceptibility testing of A. baumannii was performed by Vitek 2 with Advanced Expert
System (AES). A total of 644/3693 (17.44%) A.baumannii isolates were identified from various
clinical specimens. From those isolates, there were 147 (23%) isolates of carbapenemresistent
A.baumannii (imipenem and meropenem). A.baumannii mainly isolated from sputum
specimens, and most isolates were highly sensitive to colistin, amikacin and tigecycline.
Low prevalence of A.baumannii was found in this study. However, the isolates showed high
resistence level to antibiotics, particularly penicillin, cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones.