Asril Zahari, Fahmi Fahmi


Pseudokista Pankreas merupakan penumpukan cairan yang terlokalisir yang kaya amilase dan enzim pankreas lainnya, yang memiliki dinding yang tidak berepitel. Ukuran bervariasi 2-30 cm. Sekitar sepertiga dari pseudokista terjadi pada caput pankreas, dan dua pertiga muncul di bagian ekor. Patogenesis pseudokista pankreas berasal dari gangguan saluran pankreas akibat pankreatitis dan ekstravasasi bahan enzimatik. Pada anak-anak, pseudokista pankreas sering berhubungan dengan trauma.
Dilaporkan seorang pasien laki- laki umur 21 tahun dengan benjolan di perut. Pasien dengan riwayat trauma diperut 2 bulan sebelum masuk rumah sakit, kemudian muncul benjolan diperut yang makin lama-makin membesar. Pasien juga mengeluh sering mual dan penurunan nafsu makan. Pada perabaan dijumpai benjolan kistik fluktuatif dan terfikisir dengan ukuran ±30x20 cm, dan nyeri. Pada pemeriksaan scaning dijumpai gambaran rongga kista disekitar pankreas. Pasien didiagnosa dengan pseudokista pankreas. Pada pasien dilakukan drainase interna kista-yeyunostomi, yeyuno-yeyunostomi side to side dan brown anastomose. Dari pemeriksaan patologi anatomi didapatkan kesan suatu pseudokista pankreas.
Follow up sampai 2 bulan post operasi tidak dijumpai komplikasi.
Drainase interna kista-yeyunostomi, yeyuno-yeyunostomi side to side dan brown anastomose pada pseudokista pancreas memberikan hasil yang baik.
Kata kunci : Pseudokista, Trauma, pankreatitis
Pancreatic Pseudocysts well defined as a local accumulation of fluid that rich in amylase and other pancreatic enzymes, that has nonepithelialized wall. Size varies from 2-30 cm. About one third of pseudocysts manifest in the head of the gland, and two thirds appear in the tail. Pathogenesis of pancreatic pseudocysts seems to stem from disruption of the pancreatic duct due to pancreatitis and extravasation of enzymatic material. In children, pancreatic pseudocysts are often associated with trauma.
A male patient, 21 year old with a lump in the abdomen. Patient with a history of abdominal trauma 2 months before entering the hospital, then a lump appeared at the abdomen and continues to expand. Patient also complain of frequent nausea and decreased appetite. A pain cystic fluctuative and immobile lump that ± 30x20 cm in size was found in palpability. From abdominal scaning images, a cyst cavity around the pancreatic was found. Patient was diagnosed with pancreatic
pseudocyst. Patient underwent internal drainage of the cyst-yeyunostomi, yeyuno-yeyunostomi side to side and brown anastomose. From pathology anatomy the conclusion is a pancreatic pseudocyst.
Follow-up to 2 months postoperative, no complications was found.
The internal drainage of the cyst-yeyunostomi, yeyuno-yeyunostomi side to side and brown anastomose on pancreatic pseudocyst give a good results.
Key word : Pseudocyst, Trauma, Pancreatitis

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