Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak centella asiatica terhadap kadar gula darah sewaktu tikus (rattus novergicus) model cedera otak traumatik

Nafiisah Nafiisah


Hyperglycemic is common in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Centella asiatica (CA) has antioxidant and antihyperglycemic effects. Objective: To determine the effect of CA on GDS in rat with TBI models. Methods: true experimental design with post test only controlled group design. The study used 35 experimental animals randomly divided into 5 groups. P1 was healthy rat, P2 was sick rat, P3, P4, and P5 were the model group TBI and given CA with dose of 150, 300, and 600 mg/kgbb/day. Administration of CA which was given orally and measurement of GDS levels was done after 7 days of treatment. The statistical test used the One Way ANOVA test, the Post Hoc LSD test. Results: Mean GDS at P1 = 94.78 ± 42.47; P2 = 90.97 ± 06.44; P3 = 110.21 ± 3.70; P4 = 122.35 ± 4.91; and P5 = 128.57 ± 3.90. The One Way ANOVA test results show the fact that there is a statistically significant population (p = 0.000). The results of the LSD Post Hoc Test showed that there was a difference between P1 and P3, P4 and P5; P2 with P3, P4 and P5; P3 to P5. Conclusion: the effect of CA on GDS levels in rat with TBI models


Biomedical Sciences

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